Tag: Exhibition

Virtual Reality Learning Lab

Dennett infographics

Daniel Dennett has won the 2012 Erasmus price and because of this a Dennett week was organized in Amsterdam. Bas Haring and I made 9 infographics about some of Dennett’s ideas, for a exhibition in the Public Library of Amsterdam (OBA). Suzanne Hertogs (Ontwerphaven) designed the posters. This was a very cool project. Dennett liked…
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(From the website of the Media Technology MSc Program) Floating (2012) Floating is the title of a project by Berber de Vries, Robin de Lange and Atze de Vries. It was undertaken as part of the Media Technology semester project, in which groups of students must develop an experiential product from a single theme, in this case floating.…
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Solar powered future fish || Lustrum event Leiden University

In 2010 I was in the Lustrum Committee of the Faculty of Science, in which we organized a scientific communicational event in Leiden. Below is the article and the video that were posted on the University website. (link) —————————————————————————————————— Students of the Faculty of Science organised an event on June 12 in the course of…
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